Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Figure 117: Creep Feeding Economics Calculator
This Creep Feeding Calculator was developed to get a quick eocnomic analysis of creep feeding 2006 calves during the 2006 drought. This is a typical run to provide some indication of the economics of creep feeding.
Click on the Talbe to enlarge and to print the Table.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Figure 116: Breakeven Grass Cattle Calculator
This is spreadsheet breakeven calculator for grass cattle. It is designed to tell the user what price he can pay for grass cattle going on grass. You pick the selling price (I use futures) and you pick the desired profit level. The computer calculates the breakeven purchase price that is projected to earn your stated profit level.
Click on the table to enlarge and to print it.
Figure 115: Feeder Calf Price Line For Billings, Mt wk of 8 Sep 06
This Price Line relates Billings, Mt feeder steer prices to steer weights for the week of 8 Sep 2006. The slope of this price line at each weight is the market price slide. The curature of the line tells us that the price slide is not not linear as is often implied at video autions.
Figure 114:Table Of Billings Steer Calf Prices Wk Of 8 Sept 06
This is a user friendly table of Billings market priced for feeder calves. Prices are reported in 25 lb increments so that ranchers can find a price for the weight of their particular calves. Click on the table to receive an enlarged view and to print out the table.
Figure 113: 500 to 600 lb Feeder Prices At Billings Wk of 8 Sep 06
This is a chart of Feeder Calf prices at Billings, Mt for the week of 8 Sep 2006. Click on the chart to get an enlarge picture and to print the chart.